I'm so excited because something BIG is about to happen. I started the week by telling you that when God wants to bless us, He gives us new ideas. I believe God is pouring out His blessings on us this season. We need to get our hearts prepared and positioned to receive. The basic concern for today is learning to receive God's blessings with the right attitude. Many times, we do not recognize our blessings when we receive them. We experience blessings in disguise everyday. We just never know it.
Today, I'm ROL (Reading Out Loud). This is a story from inspirationalstories.com.
Rays of Blessings. . .
To listen, click on the play button. The play button is the red round button on the top left corner of the embed player. :)
If you had missed the previous story, then you can find it here.
Do have a blessed weekend :)
Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu
Twitter: @Amakamedia
Email: heartrayswithamakamedia@yahoo.com
Heart Rays . . .giving out the light.