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Daily Life-Changing Confessions

I look into the mirror, smile at the beautiful reflection and decree these words . . .

Daily Life-Changing Confessions

These are power tools for a Christian, when you speak out loud in Jesus' name, you command your life to become what you say.

When you repeat them, by reading them over and over, you let the truth of the Word sink deep into your heart. It changes YOU at the deepest level and gives you peace and faith to overcome!

- Today, I declare that my life belongs to God and God alone. I am made in His image and likeness to manifest and fulfill His purpose for my life.

- I am full of life, strong and healthy. My strength is renewed to accomplish great results.

- I am blessed to be a blessing. I am surrounded by people of greatness because I am great.

- I am the light of the world. I am shinning brighter in the darkest corners. I am taking over territories and expanding horizons.

- I am walking in power. I am working miracles. I am not a mediocre in the journey of life. I am not confused. I am walking in wisdom.

- I am full of God's rays and grace. I am marked for positive influence. I am an inspiration to many generations.

- I am a channel of God's love, hope and peace. I reach out to impart and impact my contacts. God works through me.

- I am a solution provider. The spirit of excellence is upon me. I manifest uncommon creativity and do exploits.

- I am connected to the covenant God made with Abraham. I am therefore keyed into the fulfillment of God's promises for my life.

- I am made for so much more. My best is yet to come.

- Today, I am stepping into greatness. I shall get there soon, and very soon, in Jesus' name. Amen.

Don't let your situation determine your confession. Let the weak say, I am strong. Let the poor say, I am rich. Your confession can change your situation because what you confess, you possess.

So what is your confession?

Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Follow on Twitter: @Amakamedia
Email: amakamedia@yahoo.com

Heart Rays . . .giving out  the light.
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