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NEWS: God be praised! New Ebola Cases Drop to Lowest Level in 7 Months

Yes, Nigeria was declared free from Ebola. (Read here) Don't be scared. We are still free. *smiles*

But you know, Nigeria being free from the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), doesn't exactly mean it no longer exist. It does.

And because, it's a policy (That's such a formal word. Lol) that only Good News are to be reviewed on Heart Rays, I can't mention the number of African countries which are still struggling with the deadly disease and the number of deaths that have been recorded. *takes a deep breathe*

Therefore, only the positive side of the news comes to light. Just trying to say good news also exist along the bad news. *shrugs*
According to the latest WHO reports, the number of new Ebola cases revealed in the three worst-hit countries fell to its lowest level since late June. Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone had a combined total of 99 new cases at the end of the week (January 25). The total breaks down to 65 in Sierra Leone, 30 in Guinea and 4 in Liberia. The number of cases continued to fall in Liberia and Sierra Leone. Praise God!

Ah, the last three weeks have been very promising. It's been reduction in all places.

And today, CNN reports that, even as the number of cases drops, scientists around the world are still on the cause (or course. Which one?) to study the virus in a bid to understand how it works and help develop more effective vaccines against it. They are not going to stop until something good appears.

It is well. 

(Source: CNN)

Posted by Nwamaka Ajaegbu 
Follow on Twitter: @Amakamedia 
Email: amakamedia@yahoo.com

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